Wednesday, April 2, 2014


I recently stumbled upon the wonderful work of Josabeth Sjöberg (30 June 1812 – 29 December 1882), a Swedish artist and music teacher. It set off a million little bells inside my head. Like so much folk art, her work shows us scenes of everyday life, but these paintings feel like diary entries, communicating everything from the mundane and pleasant to the difficult and intimate. Each image, with it's beautiful patterns, specific details, simple narrative and composition like a stage set, gives the viewer so much to look at and enjoy. 

So good. 

I have posted some of my favorites below. The titles are translated from Swedish and listed below each image. You can see much more of her work here.

The kitchen UTI house N: 20 at St.Paulsgatan. - The rise to my room. People: Carl Källbom, Mrs. Källbom, the undersigned, Mr. Källbom.
1869 - 1872

Tenth cottage: Renstiernasgränd 17, 1873

Fourth home: My room at Maria Högberg Street, house N Roses 60 Qv. Fatbursbrunnen.Upstairs. People: The undersigned. Doctor Levin.
1847 - 1855

Tenth home: My room at Bell Anders, UTI House No.17 at Renstiernasgränd, Qvarteret Rosary, ground floor into the courtyard

Borgerskapets Enkehus. Sick Room, 1812 - 1882

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